

Social Gatherings & Special Events

We are very fortunate to be able to enjoy our hunt breakfasts and socials.

Please remember to thank the hosts of each event for inviting us and providing such good food and cheer. Also, our social members join us at these gatherings. They are a very important part of our hunt.

Revised: 8/13/2024

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A successful hunt is fueled by the dedication and work of its wonderful membership. Volunteer work is greatly appreciated and respectfully encouraged.

If you are not able to provide volunteer work due to personal circumstances, contributions to help fund the work getting done are appreciated.

Events which depend on the help of our members are:

  • Hunt country clean up
  • Hunter paces
  • Hunt Ball
  • Hunter Trials
  • Camden Hunt Horse Show
  • Carolinas Hound Show.

Host an Event

Participating in giving a hunt breakfast is greatly appreciated and respectfully encouraged.

Our clubhouse is a valuable gathering place for the Hunt. Please care for it accordingly. Any damage or concerns should be directed to the masters or the social secretary.

Experience the thrill of the chase.

We are one of the oldest and most experienced foxhunting clubs
in South Carolina.