
89th Annual Hunter Trials Prizelist

The Camden Hunt Invites you to compete in The Eighty-nineth Annual Hunter Trials Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 9:00 A.M. Hunter Trial Hill, Springdale Racecourse, Camden, South Carolina Judges: Boo Major and Maggie Barton Secretary: Cindy Wood, MFH Committee: Sue Sensor, MFH Cindy Wood, MFH Martha LaRoche, MFH, Melissa Rice, Huntsman Download Prizelist & Entry

Lifetime Hunting License

As you know, a South Carolina Hunting License is required of each individual out hunting with us on any hunt, cubbing or formal. For South Carolina residents over 64, you can purchase a Lifetime Recreational Hunting and Fishing License. The cost of the license is $9.00 and is yours for life, no need to renew […]

2022 Spring Hunter Pace Results

Division: First Flight Lynn Evans and Doak Wolfe (#900) Linda Plummer, Karolin Eichler and Katy Cowan (#1040) Cindy Wood, Sharon Jones, Nina Gowl and Martha LaRoche (#1050) Division: Hilltopper Amy Cantey, Jennifer Tyler and Alyse King (#930) Jean Bickley and Susan Sisco (#1055) Julie Taylor and Shawn Verbrick (#1045)